2023 Gold Nugget Camp Invited Players Announced!

2023 Gold Nugget Camp Invited Players Announced!

Basketball Victoria would like to congratulate the under-14 athletes selected for the upcoming 2023 Gold Nugget Camp!

Country Victorian athletes have been selected from this year’s Under-14 Academy Program with 275 girls and boys selected to attend the camp at Ballarat Sports and Events Centre. Wednesday 20th September 9am – 4pm (Boys) and Thursday 21st September 9am - 4pm (Girls).

Our players are out to impress, as the best at the camp will be picked for selection to the 2024 Australian Country Junior Basketball Cup (ACJBC) and Southern Cross Challenge (SCC).

A number of star Australian representatives including Dyson Daniels, Jack White, Tessa Lavey, Maddie Garrick, Jade Melbourne, Jaz Shelley and Matthew Dellavedova, have attended these camps as part of their Country pathway journeys.




Alimpic Marley Morwell Basketball Association 
Arnott Charlotte Kilsyth 
Arundell Alexis Bendigo Basketball Association
Barker Maya SBA
Bawden Ainsley Warragul
Beasley Molly Bendigo braves
Beseler Ashlee Ballarat
Bethune Ruby Horsham
Bevis Sierra Southern Peninsula 
Borchard Alana Bendigo Braves
Boughton Willow Hamilton 
Brown Elsie Hamilton Basketball Association
Brown Olivia Geelong united 
Bullen Macy Macedon Ranges
Burton Bethan Shepparton
Butinar Willow Foster Basketball Association 
Cain Lily Geelong United
Callanan Olivia Kilsyth
Caruana Alexis Bendigo
Childs Mila Bendigo
Chow Jade Geelong united
Cohen Arhi Wodonga 
Collett Ava Frankston District Basketball Association
Coloe Alexandra MDBA
Cooper Charlize Hamilton Basketball Association 
Corrie Violet Swan Hill Basketball Association
Cox Mia Bendigo
Cox Jessica Bendigo
Coysh Charlotte Wodonga Wolves 
Crump Makenzie Mildura Basketball Association 
Cullinger Allira Wodonga 
Daley Virginia Morwell Basketball 
Damianopoulos Abbey Shepparton
De Lange Charlotte Geelong United
Derham Abigail Casey
Diamond Felicity Colac basketball association 
Dietz Arabella Kyneton 
Dixon Zahli Korumburra
Edwards Anika Korumburra 
Fennell Lacy Korumburra 
Fernandez Jordin Melton 
Fitzpatrick Georgia Colac Basketball Association
Fono Okzana Mildura Basketball Association
Ford Kaity Wangaratta
Gieschen Indi Maffra basketball 
Gilbert Elsie SPBA
Gilchrist Elle Bendigo Basketball Association
Grayling Laela Swan Hill Basketball Association
Harfoot Darcy Pakenham Warriors
Higgins Ella Sale Amateur Basketball Association 
Hill Jada Kilsyth
Hill Zoe Warrnambool 
Hollands Isla Traralgon
Hudgson Eloise Shepparton
Humphry Minnie Wangaratta
Hunter Taya Geelong United 
Iredell Emily Hamilton
Jackson Amelia Bellarine Peninsula Basketball Association 
Judilla Aaliyah Traralgon 
Kelly Evie Swan Hill 
Kennedy Mataya Moe 
King Lily Bellarine Storm
King Madison Casey Basketball Association 
King Lani Horsham Basketball Association 
Kitchin Indiana Geelong United 
Kulang Ayen Melton 
Leed Maddison Korumburra
Luki Scarlett Geelong United 
Malua Fatasinga Liz Melton 
Marles Georgia Geelong basketball
McDermott Sophie bendigo basketball association
McDonald Maggie Surfcoast Basketball
Mercieca Ella Mansfield
Moore Emmerson Ballarat Basketball Association 
Moscrop Maisy Wodonga
Nelson Edie Colac
Nul Nyankuer Melton 
O'Donahue Milla Ballarat 
Ogilvy Ruby Korumburra
O'Neill Emerson Wodonga
OSullivan Prue Swan hill basketball association 
O'Sullivan Yolanda Hamilton Hurricanes
Ouchirenko Olivia Morwell 
Palling Ava Casey Basketball 
Peterson Billie Korumburra
Petti Paige Wydham
Pitt Menzie Frankston 
Place Etta Bendigo Basketball
Potter Rani Horsham
Purss Lily Wodonga
Rackham Mackenzie Pakenham
Raco Sienna Bendigo 
Rees Ella Sale Amateur Basketball Assocaition
Reid Holly Tatura
Roberts Miela Swan Hill
Rook Evie Pakenham
Rundell Milla Ballarat
Ryan Audrey Pakenham 
Sajo Maleyah Kilsyth Basketball 
Scherger Harper Mildura Basketball Association 
Sexton Harlow Traralgon
Siale Alice Mildura Basketball Association 
Smith Amily Traralgon
Smith Shayla Warragul
Smith Sophie Warrnambool
Smyth Ella Ballarat 
Spark Ashlee Korumburra 
Stone Hazel Foster basketball association 
Stone Evie Foster basketball association 
Stone Maddi-Lyse Portland basketball association 
Stonehouse Ava Geelong United
Storer Lilly Keilor 
Storr Lily Foster
Taylor Ruby Macedon Ranges 
Teuma Lilly Bendigo
Thomas Summer Kilsyth 
Trimble Lillian Casey
Tudorovic Lucy Ballarat
Tuffnell Eva Bacchus Marsh Basketball Association 
Uytdehaag Freya Colac
Van schaik Scarlett Wangaratta 
Vance Vivienne-Rose Casey Cavaliers
Walker Gemma Craigieburn Eagles Basketball Association
Wallace Beth Traralgon 
Whiston Ziva Frankston Blues
White Alexandra Leongatha Basketball Association
Wilde Tayah Mornington Breakers 
Wilson Ruby Frankston blue
Wiltsher Lena Ballarat 
Wotherspoon Layla Kilsyth 




Ackerly Henry Wangaratta 
Acuoth Buolker Melton Basketball Association 
Adams Fletcher Traralgon 
Aijay McDonald Mildura
Akoch Gano Warrnambool Seahawks basketball 
Allen Will Mildura Basketball Association
Anderson Blaine Bendigo
Anderson Keoni echuca moama basketball association 
Anderson Zeb Wonthaggi 
Atukorala Nethum Shepparton Goulburn Valley 
Ballagh Ollie Kilsyth 
Bannister Ky Warragul Warriors 
Beard Max Geelong United
Beck Charlie Mornington Basketball Association
Bell Corben Bendigo
Bell Hayden Wonthaggi 
Bergmeier Chase wonthaggi basketball
Berry Jack Korumburra 
Boyle Kai Maffra
Bradshaw Jett Wodonga Basketball association 
Bresciano Adriano Wallan
Brown Edward Bellarine
Brundell Billy Wallan Panthers 
Buntine Samuel Bacchus Marsh Basketball Association
Burgiel Ace Traralgon
Carrick Buster Macedon Ranges
Carrick Jack Macedon Ranges
Chakurangeyi Tinaye Bacchus Marsh Basketball Association 
Chan Mason Traralgon 
Cook Saxon Warragul
Coundon Hunter Macedon Ranges Basketball Association 
Courtney Spencer Geelong United
Cox Max Sale
Daming Karlroy Foster  Basketball Association 
Douglas Blake Pakenham District Basketball Association 
DUMBELL LOU Geelong United
Durling Oliver Macedon Ranges
Elford Oscar Portland basketball association 
Elijah Whiteford geelong United
Elliott Max Wodonga 
Ellis Ethan Geelong United 
Ewing Zanda Hamilton Basketball Association 
EXTON Nate Kilsyth
Fowler Jesse Terang Olympic Basketball Association 
Fowles Zac Korumburra 
Fozard Seth Moe
Froud Hudson Bairnsdale 
Fryer Rafael Geelong United
Gieschen Ryder Maffra
Gommers Lewis Warrnambool 
Grimaldi Khaya Mornington
Grist Rhys Korumburra 
Harvey Benji Yarrawonga Mulwala Basketball Association 
Hay Ted Colac 
Hein Cody Portland basketball association 
Hoey Oscar Geelong United
Hood Jackson Ballarat 
Hotton Zac Mansfield
Hueston Chace Greater Shepparton
Ibrahim Jack Shepparton 
Impey Patrick Portland Basketball Association 
Ingham Alex WADABA
Inyasio Lado Melton
Jeanes Archie Mornington District Basketball Association
Jones Wil Traralgon Amateur  Basketball Association
Kain Harris Mansfield 
Kanzamar Tate Bendigo
Katramados Nayte Southern Peninsula (Sharks)
Keating Harvey Rochester
Kelly James Shepparton
Keppitipola Neluca Traralgon
Kiliva Adrian Sunbury/ Macedon Ranges 
Knight Angus Warrnambool
Koklec Yel melton
Kydd Harrington Ballarat Basketball Association
Langdon Cooper Macedon Ranges 
Lewis James Melton 
Lieuwen Baily Traralgon
Lupo Sam Myrtleford & District Basketball Association
Mateo Devlin Geelong
Maxwell Lenny Macedon Ranges/ Sunbury 
McDonald Ryder MRBA 
McInerney Kahl Aztec tigers 
McInnes Harry Sale amateur basketball association 
McLauchlan Thomas Keilor / Melton
Mitchell Franklin Mildura
Molloy Billy Ballarat 
Muir Olliver Warragul Warriors
Newnham Caide Frankston and District Basketball Association
Nisbet Wil Geelong United 
Noble Leon FDBA
Nunn Zac Sunbury
Nunn Cooper Sunbury
O'Brien Ben Surfcoast 
OBYRNE Orlando Bairnsdale 
O'Connor Angus  
Oguche Samuel Wodonga Basketball Association
Parker Nate Colac
Patel Araan Traralgon 
Pickering Mitchell Casey 
Pickering Samuel Casey
Polkinghorne George Bendigo Basketball Association 
Pople Jack Wangaratta 
Rankins Kai Echuc Moama Basketball Association 
Reinheimer Aiden Horsham Amateur Basketball Association 
Rizzoli Dex Ballarat Basketball 
Roberts Mac Bellarine Peninsula Basketball Association 
Robinson Archie Phillip Island 
Russell Judd Mildura Heat
Rutherford Jarrah Phillip Island 
Rutter Jack Mornington 
Schultz Deagan Geelong United
Schultz Noah Greater Shepparton Basketball Association 
Schultz Parker Wallan Basketball 
Siale William Mildura Basketball Association 
Sisic River Ballarat 
Slattery Miller Bendigo 
Sleep Archie Geelong united
Sorensen Harvey Wonthaggi Coasters
Sosic Kurtis Southern Peninsula 
Spratt Charlie Mildura
Steel Kobe Warrnambool Basketball Association
Storr Harley Foster
Sulic Chavi Horsham Amateur Basketball Association
Szwaja Tay Pakenham
Taylor Sam MRBA
Thomas Ayden Pakenham 
Thomson Blake Kilsyth association 
Touhey Archer  Bendigo
Van den Ham Hendrix Geelong United 
Veitch Jordan Macedon Ranges 
Vyrodov Yaroslav Victoria 
Waite Thomas Wodonga basketball association 
Walker Arli Echuca Moama Basketball Association 
Walker Malakai Geelong United Basketball
Walker Wil Traralgon
Walters Lachlan Warrnambool 
West Hunter Warragul
Williams Cooper Geelong
Winnell Oliver Hamilton 
Worner Chayse Swan hill basketball 
Wright Spencer Southern Peninsula Basketball Association
Wynd Hunter Sale
Young Slater Wallan Panthers